Programme review

Conduct periodic reviews, around once every 6 months, to optimise policies, processes and messaging based on data and employee feedback. These check-ins ensure the programme continues evolving to meet stakeholder needs.

Step 1 - employee feedback

Have a look at your participation rates and impact metrics on Neighbourly, and consider utilising an internal survey to solicit open-ended input on improving the experience. Employees will recognise and appreciate a programme that adapts to their changing interests and schedules.

Through a survey, you’ll be able to identify any trends, barriers to participation and satisfaction with the programme so far.

Master doc worksheet

Collect your findings and input into the Programme review outcomes tab in the master doc


Download employee review survey template

Step 2 - check in with your Charity Champions

Consult your Charity Champions during periodic reviews, as they will have direct insights into what’s working well and how employees are responding. Incorporate their feedback on successes to leverage as well as areas where resources and processes could be strengthened.

Discuss whether champion capacity should expand or adapt based on participation levels. These ambassadors serve as the eyes and ears of the programme - keep them engaged to gain actionable intelligence.

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This material is part of the Neighbourly Volunteer Engagement Success Plan, for use by Neighbourly partners only.